I have been following Christopher Nolan’s Inception for almost an year and my expectations were building up into a huge mountain. Not many movies have that honor because I follow only my hero Salman Khan! I was at home when Inception released and my family was busy preparing to move to another city. I was caught in the web too that I had to refuse two tickets for the movie and get a shopping voucher instead when I won a quiz on radio. My brother too was interested in the movie and he was the first to tell me of it. But we missed!
My next chance was when I came to Bangalore on July 19 and I grabbed it with both hands. I watched it all alone in the cinema and boy! I was mighty impressed! Chris Nolan had not only lived upto the mountainous expectation I had, but also scaled the peak! The reason I was fascinated by the movie even when it was in the making was because of the Idea of the movie. I have always been amazed by the things that I have dreamt in sleep. My brother is no different. We have had many a chat during our schooling days about the reality itself being a dream. I also have the habit of building on dreams by continuing the broken dream of the previous night. I have done that with good ease with great success. That is why I don’t see a difference between the so-called real world and the dream. The philosophy is simple: there is no such thing as a dream. Everything is real in its own world. It’s just that the rules are different. That might sound a bit insane but we believed and still believe in that.
But Nolan went a step ahead and built the idea of sharing another person’s dream space and planting an idea in the subconscious. Now, who would have thought about that and more so, a gripping plot! Nolan is a master of both. It didn’t seem fiction to me. As the movie was unfolding itself before me, I was shocked to find the proximity of my philosophy to that of Nolan’s. In the end, it was not only a great movie but one of the best experiences I had. For those who have not watched it yet, watch it alone. It doesn’t need the debate or clarification (with friends) it demands in the climax. It just wants to plant the idea in your subconscious that Nolan has given you another giant Jigsaw puzzle to work out till the next movie. Inception is how you read it!